May 30, 2010


Dinner last night with my mom @ MELT, Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
I had 2 vouchers from last year's Xmas party, & after much delay it was near expiration hence, we decided yesterday was THE day. (:

Mandarin Oriental was without doubt, a 5-star hotel.
Of course, from what we learned in Tourism school, Singapore ACTUALLY does not have any official 'star' system. So whenever you see some hotel claim 'I'm 5-star, 3-star' etc, it's pretty much bullshit.
However, we were in awe last night. Not only was the food tantalizing, the service staff treated us like kings/queens! They'd personally guide us to the washrooms and check on our table constantly if everything was in order.
Another aspect we were in awe of, was the swimming pool architecture. We were initally going to leave the lobby, until I saw a sign saying 'Swimming pool on level 5'.
I'm the kind of person that grades the hotel based on the swimming pool area. & to tell the truth: Mandarin Oriental's poolside beats Fairmont hands-down.

My mom was so happy, as it was a good mother-daughter time + great food! She said she hardly eats buffet dinners (because my dad doesn't fancy it; too messy he says), more of high tea at hotels overseas.
Personally, I've not eaten many times too, probably around 9 times? A couple were at Furama Riverfront due to work, once was celebrating Carrie's bdae at Grand Park hotel, a few at Fairmont.
Yesterday's spread could rival Fairmont's PREGO & Equinox.
Happy girl now! Ate so much that I've decided: YUP, IT'S TIME TO START DIETING!

Some 'stalkers' like G immediately sms me & asked me why did I want to diet. By right for my height (1.65), the healthy weight range should be 50-53.
Simple: I'm not ideal enough to myself. Therefore I'm going to lose 3kg.

Speaking of which, here are a few of my new purchases! :D
Some were from F21, which I intend to prepare for Sept-Seoul!

Tomorrow's going to be the day for my CT Scan, & SATC 2 movie with my bitches!
Frankly, I'm scared.


May 28, 2010

Travel plans!

Have been so tempted to shop loads online recently!
Bought a couple of tops & now spamming for F21 as Cynthia will be heading over in slightly more than a week! Shipping within the US is free, so she'll have the items delivered to their hostel.

As I need to make a couple of trips to the hospital for scans, working has to be more flexible. & not to mention, any overseas trip have to planned perfectly.

I've pushed my Seoul trip to Sept/Oct so that I can prepare more 'shopping' money as well as for the weather. Initally, I wanted to go with Lynnette in July, but after checking, I realised that it's going to be summer. THAT's PRACTICALLY LIKE SINGAPORE.
I want to re-live the times we shivered in France, so I choose to go in Sept/Oct when its autumn. (: & I've decided to go alone as well.

& for July, I got news from Puma that Pris is coming back. We are invited to join her in Bali for 4 days & lodging will be provided. Plans are still pending (though I REALLY feel like going as I haven't been to major beach-resorts!), as some think the airfare is costly. I checked Jetstar *gulps*, & return tickets are about $300. Shall see what the majority says, I suppose!

I think I'm heading to Mustafa with my mom for some midnight shopping! Adios! :D


May 27, 2010


I can't believe I actually left a fan letter to JKS.
ARGHHH!! Crazy hyper beyond belief.

Today's event was easy money.
It was the Sex And The City 2 movie premiere jointly organized by Moet & Mercedes.

(Pssss. I can totally forsee Puma, Nrl, Bao & myself becoming like that 20 years down the road.)

Only 5 hours of work, we reported 6pm at Vivo City's Golden Village in our LBD (lil black dress). Feels a lil uncomfy as the dress was body-hugging, hug my boobs, butt and tummy. :/ Nonetheless, still lucky my dress passed. If not, they will probably ask us to wear a tube dress!
Basically as a receptionist, we just had to register the guests, VIPs, socialites etc. GOSH, I can go blind from all the blingblings.

After Vivo, we took a cab to the Mercedes-Benz showroom at Alexandra Road as it was the after-party venue!
Cycle & Carriage was really large & hip-looking. (:

There were quite a number of high-profile VIPs and celebrities.
David Gan, Irene Ang, Andrea de Cruz, Jade Seah, Darren Tan and many others. Saw 4 darn hot models as well, and boy, are they tall!! At least 1.8m. O.O
One was from Mongolia, then Israel, Brazil and Australia. Phew~ all plucked from around the world.

Great working experience, I would say. (Free-flow Moet lehhh).
& somehow I'm gaining reputation in various events company that I've worked at.
Whoever needs suitable manpower, I'll just wait for the call. haha, it's quite nice actually.

Decided to work this coming Friday till 6 June at Suntec City for SPH.
Long hours, but I will try to rest because I can't stand much.


May 25, 2010

I'm gonna stay STRONG.

So I went to Singapore General Hospital this morning, accompanied by my sis.
At first, it was a basic consultation with a Renal specialist, which we were then referred to the Urology department.

I don't really want to know what's going on, but yet I have to keep my ears open. It was tough listening to the doctors repeat: 'this is not good/ rare for someone your age.' Of course I know it's not good! If I was alive & kicking well, I'd be having training for my flying career at THAT timing!
Frankly, I almost broke down when she tried to soothe me by rubbing my arms.

ONE THING I CAN'T STAND IS FOR PEOPLE TO TOUCH ME WHEN I FEEL LIKE CRYING. It feels like they pity me, & the chances that I'll break down increases tenfolds.
I told her to stop it, & that probably saved me some embarassment from crying in the dumb room.

I did another blood test, and I was close to crying too. In short, I'm terrified of hospitals, medicine, injections & what have you.

My family & best friends are backing and supporting me all the way, & I thank God for their presence.
For those people who know more (Aloysius & gang & my clique), you guys know 2 expired cans of beer saved my life! haha!

2 more visits to SGH next week! Phew~

Though 'ill', I still want to do things simultaneously; therefore I'm working at VivoCity for an event tomorrow! Receptionist, 6- 11pm, 80bucks!
That breaks down to like $16 an hour? Cool.
At first I got a shock. I thought I had to dress like a Showgirl. Thank God NO!!


May 24, 2010

Sleep tight

It's late, & my right kidney tends to ache at night.
The specialist's appointment will be on Tuesday, & I'm rather terrified.

3 graduation pictures for the moment till I find the mood to blog the rest.

I hope to have nice dreams tonight...


May 23, 2010

Recharge after the fun!

In the process of charging my camera so I can upload the Graduation photos! (:

Crazy hilarious ceremony & after-grad party!
I really love my class so much, even though we are all so very different in our own ways. In my opinion, I think because we are SO DIFFERENT, it turns out we blend in nicely.

(P.S: Kester, now I know you're stalking my blog, you cute stalker!! )

May 20, 2010

Let's our fill.

You know, initially I was having the hots for Jang Keun Suk because of watching 'Hong Gil Dong, The HERO', which he acted as Prince Lee Chang-hwi.

I thought that he was really cool, though very solemn in the drama. & since it was still showing every night on Channel U, I tried to watch it on Youtube but it was hopeless.
Me, being crazily free, went to buy the drama series.

After watching Hong Gil Dong, a friend introduced me to 'You're Beautiful', which was also one of his showcase piece. That was when he rose to fame I suppose.
Me, being hooked, went to buy the drama series. I must be mad, because that drama cost me more than $40. ^^ BUT, I've not regretted my decision.

His character Hwang Tae-kyung, is an overbearing cleanliess freak. But ultimately, he softens and falls in love. That's the story that everyone loves, isn't it?

That's when I became committed to being his fan!

I might sound shallow or stupid, but I'm all for talents.
Trust me, this guy has the talent, the passion to act, & he can certainly sing very well.

& whilst still in the frenzy, I tried to watch 'Beethoven Virus'. Another one of his prized dramas which he sang the OST. I love this character (Kang Gun-Woo) the most, do you know why??

Because his job was 1) a policeman and 2) he can play the trumpet.

My friends (Puma & gang) would know that I love a guy in uniform.
Perhaps that explains the 2 men I loved: one was in NPCC (National Police Cadet Corps) and the other in NCC (National Cadet Corps) during secondary school.

I feel men in uniform gives a sense of seriousness, stability & maturity. If what my friends say is true, I'll probably end up marrying & spending the rest of my life with a policeman. Hahaha!

Similarly, guys that can play instruments are so suave. Be it a saxophone, trumpet, piano, guitar. One of my wish in a boyf would be for him to play a romantic piece of music for me during our anniversary. && bear in mind, I don't mean a recorder. (;

Frankly, my expectations of a boyfriend is not realistic. I live in a dream world, setting requirements for those who want to enter my life.
In a way, people might find me materialistic or plain greedy or undeserving. However, since we're still young, we should place some hope in dreaming right?
That's precisely what I can do now. DREAM.

If it wasn't for this sudden kidney issue, I would have accomplished yet another of my dream. In a contradicting way, I'm not a dreamer. I'm a GO-GETTER.
When I wish/ want something, I make sure I do my best and put it all I have to make it work. I don't give up easily.
Regardless whether it was SYF when our conductor abandoned us 3 months before the competition, or how I saved up $800 as a student to buy a flute, when I perservered and pestered my dad to let me study abroad.

Life is a dream, and we should try to create how we want it to be.

Let's all work hard, shall we? (:



Sighs, I should have guessed it that nothing will go smoothly.

The Korea trip, I have no idea how to proceed for now. Nette has not been able to get permission from her parents & that is a big problem on its own.

Though I don't mind going alone, being independent & emo all, but it's much more costly. The hotel and miscellaneous adds up to more than $500+ than the price which I enquired.

Argh, dilemma once again. I still feel the need to get out of Singapore for a while.


May 16, 2010

If I'm lucky.

JKS, his voice is amazing. When I listen to his singing, there's a quality in his voice which makes me feel like I'm stuck in-between fantasy & reality.
I'm hardly the kind of girl who idolizes people, because I know that they are as human as anyone of us.
I like the fact that he set his sights on acting, & yet is still able to put his heart in singing well. The song titled 'Goodbye' in my blog is sang by him.

I will support you! Work hard for your dream, just like how I am struggling to reach mine now.


Yesterday, we headed out to Chinatown's Yum Cha for some Dim Sum. Frankly, the food was really oily, & not all were tasty. It was expensive too, $60+ for 3 of us! :/

Then I got an idea, & bugged my mom to get us to People's Park Centre so I can grab some travel brochures to Korea. I briefly discussed with Lynnette before, & hopefully we can make a trip there in July!
Of course, as I was unemployed for a short period following my rejection at Jetstar, my finances needs to be re-planned. I will have to work in order to have more spending money should we go. (:

As it'll be my first time to Korea, the Five Stars Tour agent recommended that we go for the 8D6N Korea with Jeju Island!
We can visit the Teddy Bear Museum, take a domestic flight, learn to make kimchi & my most anticipated: dressing in a traditional Hanbok.

Do you guys know what was my aim when I first set my sights on working as a flight stewardess? I hope to travel to many countries all over the world, & buy their traditional costumes. Japan's kimono, Korea's Hanbok, China's Qipao etc.
My dream has now been indefinitely postponed. Though it's really harsh for me at this point, but I've come to face the truth. It takes great courage, because for someone who has been so strong & healthy, being sick has made me lost my sanity for a while.
I'll be giving myself a 6-month break to heal myself, to complete whatever surgery is needed and to recover. At the end of the 6 months, my ban at SIA will be over.

My wish now, would be a chance to travel BEFORE any surgery is scheduled. I want to feel liberated, to feel freedom, before I get confined to any hospital or home recovery.
That's why I'm really pinning alot for this trip.

(p.s: I'm sorry that this is a rather emotional post. Speaking of travel/ flying/ airline is actually very tough on me. Not to mention, tomorrow is the day which I was supposed to start training with Jetstar. :'( )


May 15, 2010

Food Poisoning?

I'm not feeling very well now, so I'm just going to simply explain a little about the pre-loaded photos.

- Shopping spree at Far East with Bao & we had our manicure. People were asking about my maxi-dress, which happens to be a really good deal.

- Simple birthday celebration at home! Took photos with Cartoon!

- Stayover at Bao's place with Puma, Nrl & Aishah!

- Celebration of Jessie's birthday at Ajisen Causeway point!

Today was a really hectic day as well, lots of walking & eating.

But somehow I'm not feeling very well. Fearing that it could be food poisoning.

May 14, 2010

A Taurus Woman

*Credits to*

When you come across a Taurus female, the first thing you will notice about her is her undefeatable emotional strength. She is capable of handling the severest of problems, without shedding even a single tear. She has the infamous Taurus temper, but it is seldom displayed. At least not until the provocation is too much to digest. She is as feminine as any other female, without the unnecessary tantrums. A Taurus woman has no desire of dominating her husband. She will let him handle the reins, infact this is what she secretly desires.

A Taurus woman wants a real man, who can make her proud of himself as much as she is proud of herself. However, if he fails in his role, she will take the control in her own hands. Neither will she act like a mewing kitten, nor like a roaring lioness. She is independent and has a mind of her own, but she does not want to dominate in the relationship. Taurean women do not see social status while making their friends. They want to be friends with people who do not hide their true nature and come across as they really are.

Their friends may be a little weird, but they will not be phonies or hypocrites. A Taurus girl doesn’t fight with people she dislikes, she simply ignores them and becomes indifferent to their presence. However, she will be loyal to her true friends and they will remain with her throughout her life. In return, she will expect them to stand by her when she needs them. A Taurean woman also gets jealous, but only if you exceed the limits of casual flirtation. Everything has a limit and this also does. It’s better not to provoke her anger or you will be very sorry.

She is brainy, but not too much interested in intellectual subjects. She is practical in her thinking and does not feel the need to indulge in mental gymnastics. She is balanced in her approach and you will hardly see her in a restless disposition. A Taurean girl hates anything artificial, be the flowers in her vase or the friends in her life. She has to feel the fragrance of real roses and the presence of real people. The beauty of Mother Nature especially pleases her.

Ugliness of any kind makes her miserable and repulsive. She loves to be amidst colorful surroundings, like gardens blooming with flowers. A Taurean female has a good taste, so please be very careful before taking her out. She is a very good cook herself and you will always be treated to excellent homemade food. She is also very much interested in the art forms, like painting. She is a tomboy at heart and will enjoy many guy-things like horse riding, going on a roller coaster ride, fishing, etc.

All this makes her feel close to nature. She dresses simply, yet elegantly and her fabrics are always feather-soft. Taurus female is very strong and above the usual female insecurities. However, she demands loyalty and will never compromise in this area. She is beyond hypocrisy and has an undemanding and easy-going manner. She wants her man to take her side, especially in public. If he contradicts her in front of other people, expect the temperature to reach beyond the boiling point.

When pushed too far, she loses her cool demeanor quickly. Taurus women make excellent mothers, except for the fact that they cannot tolerate disobedience or defiance in kids. Laziness and carelessness also makes them angry. Otherwise, they will be more of a friend to their children than the typical mommies. A Taurus woman will also teach the kids how to be strong and will protect them from the big bad outside world. She never shirks from or whines about her responsibilities. Her man will be expected to do the same.

She can also bear endless pain and stress, without complaining for a single minute. She is good with finances and knows how to maintain quality in a reasonable budget. She is a very good host and will be there to help her man in any and every way she can. A Taurean woman will care for you when you are ill, will back you in your new business venture and let you take over the control of the home. And, you will always be treated to a warm, cozy home when you come back from office!

I've highlighted those which I think particularly applies to Taurean woman like myself.
Some parts about motherhood, I really cannot agree because frankly, I can't really handle kids well. J'detest whiny angsty kids. Period.

I'm not exactly someone who trusts horoscopes, nor see how people judge each other based on it. Some friends of mine even choose boyfriends based on their horoscope sign, which I think is seriously nuts.

Still nonetheless, occasional readings of such explanations is fascinating. We marvel over how true it can actually be. Of course, most of it is self-praise, so people are generally very happy to associate themselves with the 'good' points.

Argh, I have no idea what I'm saying. Bloody oxymoron here (yay! A literature term we learnt in Sec 3!)

I guess to put it simply: I'm definitely marketable as a girl.

May 11, 2010

What Type of Sleeper Are You?

Ever wondered what your sleeping position says about the kind of person you are? A survey of 1,000 British reveals that the six most common sleeping patterns are indicative of personality types.

"Foetus position: A whopping 41% of participants sleep in this curled-up manner. Women are twice as likely to rest like this and it is listed as the most common position. These sleepers are said to have a tough exterior but are still sensitive and may appear to be shy but warm up quickly.

Log position – If you sleep on your side with both arms down, you are a social, easy-going person who is trusting, sometimes to the point of being gullible. The study showed 15% of people sleep like a log.

Yearner position - A close third is the side-lying position with both arms out in front of the body, with 13% of partipants sleeping like this. Yearners are noted to be open-minded and still cynical, suspicious, and stubborn about sticking to decisions once they are made.

Soldier position - These sleepers lie on their backs with arms down and kept close to the body. This 8% study is said to be reserved, quiet, without fuss, and hold themselves and others to a high standard. Soldier sleepers have a higher likelihood for snoring due to the flat-back position, which may not cause them to wake up often but may result in a less restful night’s sleep.

Freefall position - Those people who lie on their bellies with arms under or wrapped around a pillow with head turned to the side, make up 7% of the population studied. Freefallers are brash, outgoing, and are very uncomfortable with criticism.

Starfish position - Sleepers who lie on their backs with arms up near their head or the pillow account for 5% of participants. These people are good listeners, helpful, and are uncomfortable being the center of attention. People who sleep in starfish position are more likely to snore and to suffer from a poor night’s sleep more often."

I belong to the 'Yearner' and 'Foetus' category. I sleep on my sides & very often, I need a large pillow (+ my usual bolster) on my left for me to hug.
Initially I thought it was a sign that I desperately needed a guy/ boyfriend. But now I think that it's to ease my mind by having all empty space taken up to prevent 'unwanted guests'.

I'm never going to be a 'soldier' or 'starfish' because I'm scared of the so-called 鬼压床 , or simply, a ghost sitting on you.


We're Moving On!

I'm been heading out recently! Shopping, manicures, doctors, movies, ice creams, birthday celebrations.. It's been wonderfully hectic yet relaxing at the same time. I know, it's an oxymoron.

Today, I'll be going back to NYP to collect my graduation robe together with the rest of my classmates! Omg, this is surreal.
After 3 short-long years, we are going to graduate & move on to another part of our lives. These 3 years has passed very quickly, & out of which, one semester was spent in France and another 6 months having attachment in hell's heaven.

So that leaves 2 years, but the years seem way too short for me to know each & every of my classmates. Nonetheless, I've been blessed with great classes, all the way from the legendary 4C in Yuying Secondary school, to HC the pioneer batch of NYP's Hospitality & Resort Management. For this, I thank you God.

May 9, 2010

I need sleep.

Blogging can happen later.

Seriously sleep-deprived after last night's sleepover & busy day today.

I guess I'm kinda upset that you didn't invite us.

Nonetheless, Goodnight, world!

May 5, 2010

The Day I was Born!

Happy 20th birthday to myself!! :D

It's time for self-love.

May 4, 2010


My current nails: all DIY.

Goodnight!! Hope everyone has a lovely morning!
Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day for me, as I'm having some tests done followed by mad shopping!! <3
20th birthday in 2 days! Can't say I'm excited, can't say I'm not.

May 3, 2010

iPhone idiot

Haven't been blogging as much as I wanted to, as I was heading out of the house & also chasing my 'You're Beautiful:原来是美男' series.
When I'm done with this entry, I'll go get a manicure & pedicure done, & probably try figuring out what to do with my new iPhone.

I didn't change my mobile number, but I switched contract to Starhub. So apparently, they will port the service line later, but I'm still pretty clueless.
I should have done more research before buying on impulse.
I'm not regreting though, because I bought a pretty colour (white), at a good deal (paid only $168!) & I always love having something new on my desk!

On Labour Day, I headed out with my mom & sis to Ikea Tampines for dinner & some shopping. Or rather, the shopping was mostly by me!

At Ikea, I bought a new bedside lamp (which has been fairly too bright & disturbing my sleep), super adorable & worth-it tupperware (which I intend to bring for THE picnic), a red portable table, small glasses & also, roses!
I wanted to get a plant to put in my room, because flowers never fail to cheer me up. Figured I need some sort of cheering when 17 May comes & reality sets in.
Mommy said flowers in the room will indicate luck in love, so I don't mind either. Haha, whether I'm ready or not, that's another question.

We drove over to GIANT to shop again, though this time, I managed to control my wallet a little! I love this giant Tigger though, it's so squishy! Too bad I've passed the phase of wanting soft toys!

On Sunday, mommy & I went to Bukit Batok to get another dosage of medicine.
That's when walking around West Mall, I decided to get a new phone.

I still need to figure out what needs to be done with the iPhone.