June 21, 2010

I need a break!

Alright! Just a mini-post before I head off to the showers then to bed!

These past week have been crazy-hectic, yet super fun as well!
My colleagues at HUGO have been such a spontaneous bunch (prolly because they are mostly guys) & ever since the first drinking session on Wednesday, we hung out for consecutively 4 nights in a row?

Drinks, steamboat, bowling, card games... It was really fun & I felt much better too.
OKAYYYYY, frankly, I cried like shit on Wednesday during the drinking night.
Because the guys ordered beer, & the last time I drank beer was 22 April, the day both my dreams were crushed. With the first sip, my mind just jolted back to the cursed day, & there you have it: an embarassing moment of a girl crying in a pub.

SHIT. How humiliating! I wish they can forget that lil episode.

Speaking of which, I just happened to calculate.
When I was supposed to start training with Jetstar Intl on 17 May, it has been a month. So it means that my 'ex-colleagues' should be flying to Melbourne for the 2-weeks training.

Such a FML moment.

Another one of my colleague seems interested to join the airline industry, & I think he's hesitating to try out for SIA on the 26th this month?
I thought that if he was serious about it, I can help & give some valuable tips. Afterall, I almost made it, & that's the only consolation I keep telling myself.

I'll try uploading photos either tomorrow or Wed night! (:
Meanwhile, cheerios!


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