June 30, 2010

Time for a new look!

Okay,so I didnt edit the previous post because I'm too lazy, & not to mention: tired.

I was working the full shift yesterday (which is from 0930 - 2200. That's 12 and a half hours gone!),& furthermore there was a shipment of latest season's apparels. All in all, I only reach home about 2am?! It's amazing that I was even wearing my pair of 3-inch heels!

But of course, I'm only human. My feet was dying & wobbly by the end of the day..:(

AND speaking of dying, I'm blogging from the office at Kwang Sia (owner of brands like Hugo, MaxMara, Max&Co...lalala....) & boredom's killing me. You know, I usually work at HUGO Boss Taka part-time since I'm so free, but yesterday, I was somehow 'promoted' to the main office. Like, literally OFFICE.
So since coming here, I'm just calling up the customers & asking for the update of their addresses, and most definitely, stoning.

I really prefer working at the store. :( Though I have to stand up for long hours, but I have the great company of friends to keep me entertained.
I'm seriously considering to find some dumb excuse & quit this office job.

Anyhoo, I'm heading to the hospital again tomorrow for another checkup. How I wish they can just bomb me some antibiotics & that'll be the end of it.
Then I can recover in time for October where I can try SQ again.

& I might do something about my hair tomorrow. It's super long, but it feels quite dry. I was thinking that perming my hair really destroyed it, especially so that perming requires extra effort to maintain it. So I might do rebonding instead & followed by a nice new haircut. This highly depends on whether Sixth Avenue in Hougang Avenue 8 is still having the GSS promotion! ;)

Au Revoir, mes amies!

June 28, 2010

Forget the editing! (;

Family dinner on Saturday at Founder's Bak Kut Teh in Balestier:

The food was not as tasty as in the past, nor spicy for that matter. But still, the dinner tasted great because we ate together for the first time ever since Cynthia came back from the States! (: She must have missed pork dishes alot!

Speaking of the States, here are my loots from US:

(Clockwise from top left: Victoria's Secret straw bag, sneakers from Forever 21, brown maxi dress from a flea market, red beret & beige woven top from F21, two shorts from American Eagle, gray bandage skirt from F21, purple skirt from H&M, pink knit top from F21, body lotion & 2 perfume spray from Victoria's secret, COACH wristlet, Earring set from F21, Water-bottle from Old Navy, Two lanyards: one from Disneyland and the other from Universal Studios, and herb facial scrub.)

& also a pair of Havaianas & limited release Disneyland Mickey watch! (: Super love! My white Adidas one is like passe already! :x

Alright! I'm going to rest as I'm finally starting work again tomorrow!
Being down with food poisoning since Friday night's smelly toufu was not fun at all. :(
&& i think this post needs lots of editing.

June 27, 2010

I'm a Monkey!

My 40th post at jetsetterwendy.blogspot.
Currently, I must admit I'm not proud & in fact, I feel rather ashamed of my blog address. It's a far cry from my initial intention of joining the airline industry. Sighs.

Anyway, I want to share a conversation I had with a secondary schoolmate, Juan!

J U A N says:
wah means my timing was close to timely.
i knew u were a busy woman, but wow
W. says:
haha! No, I'm not a busy person...
J U A N says:
really? i got the vibe off you as someone with really lots of objectives, the kind that is constantly on the go for something.
W. says:
haha! That's somehow correct!
I'm a go-getter. (: So i try very hard.
J U A N says:
just so you know, even if SIA doesnt get u as their air-stewardess, i'd totally employ you as one IF I HAD AN AIRLINE.
oh man, i shall.

W. says:
you don't know about the ban?
I made it to the last round of SIA, which is the management round.
But I didnt pass that (prolly because of age = immaturity to them), so there's a ban of 6 months
Meaning, can't try again for interviews for 6 months
My ban is over in Oct
J U A N says:
hahaha, good. so the puzzling questions of how can someone like you not make it through has been answered!
im sure you'll get through.
i can't think of why not!
by then, you would really be a jet setter!
W. says:
haha! You guys are so confident in me?!
J U A N says:
i know a classy girl when i meet one.
i've met you.

Sure, some parts of the conversation sounds like flattery, but boy! I'm really happy to know that I have friends BELIEVING IN ME. It truly means alot.
Thank you, Juan, if you're reading this.

Another funny part, which we were chatting about my passing the SIA kebaya round:

J U A N says:
so u were complimented by SIA in a non-direct way!
W. says:
J U A N says:
Miss Wendy, you passed the figure test.
W. says:
yeah, I did.
I must have looked decent enough in the kebaya.
Some people failed though
J U A N says:
the only real classy girls..or at least that look classy were u and apple
u 2 were da bomb
funny term
i should use it more.
W. says:
HAHAH! Super funny pls!
J U A N says:
u gotta ghetto it up.
W. says:
You mean apple NOW?
or past?
J U A N says:
she was like the typical student last time
but when she came out of that hell hole yyss, she transformed
u know, just like you!
u know how a flower blossomed?
hahahah, u thought i would use that as a metaphor didnt u
W. says:
lol. Transformation eh?
I thought I was quite the same.....
J U A N says:
urs werent as big thought tbh. i alr felt u were alittle...posh
not the bitchy atas posh
but the well trained monkey.

It has been so long since I'm labelled a Monkey! teehee!


June 23, 2010

More of a concussion.

I've been bugging Keefeeee about this eye candy at work.

Perhaps I should stop, because I feel really silly or rather, stupid.
Apparently Keefe thinks so too.

When I sms him that i'm sinking in, he replied me:
"Go face the wall, bang it hard 3 times with your head. After that slap yourself. Goodnight."



June 22, 2010

Paedophile I aint.

I'm trying to upload the long overdue photos onto FB, & it's taking so darn long. I'm super sleepy, but yet I still have to put my facial mask.

I guess being so busy, & the unhealthy lifestyle recently has taken a toll on my skin. It's so dry around the cheek area, so I need to moisturize!!

Apparently work tomorrow is going to be a drag.
New shipment of clothing coming in, & we need to stay to pack them all. I bet we won't get to go home till at least 3am, and continue work the next day at 12noon.
Super fucked up, but what to do?

I like this place. (:

& to share about something that happened today.
A little girl & her mom came into our shop. After a while, I noticed the mom & daughter walking towards me, then she asked me where's the toilet.
She looks like she can't be bothered to bring her daughter (who turns out to be only 6!!!), so I volunteered to bring the lil girl (Rourou!) to the washroom.
I chit-chatted with her on the way to the washroom, & I learnt that she's from Indonesia & that I'm younger than her elder sister (who's 22.)

When I returned Rourou back to her mom, she thanked me. Guess what my colleagues who saw, said?

'EH, Wendy you paedophile ar?'

Can't say I have maternal instincts instead of a paedophile??! GOD.


June 21, 2010

I need a break!

Alright! Just a mini-post before I head off to the showers then to bed!

These past week have been crazy-hectic, yet super fun as well!
My colleagues at HUGO have been such a spontaneous bunch (prolly because they are mostly guys) & ever since the first drinking session on Wednesday, we hung out for consecutively 4 nights in a row?

Drinks, steamboat, bowling, card games... It was really fun & I felt much better too.
OKAYYYYY, frankly, I cried like shit on Wednesday during the drinking night.
Because the guys ordered beer, & the last time I drank beer was 22 April, the day both my dreams were crushed. With the first sip, my mind just jolted back to the cursed day, & there you have it: an embarassing moment of a girl crying in a pub.

SHIT. How humiliating! I wish they can forget that lil episode.

Speaking of which, I just happened to calculate.
When I was supposed to start training with Jetstar Intl on 17 May, it has been a month. So it means that my 'ex-colleagues' should be flying to Melbourne for the 2-weeks training.

Such a FML moment.

Another one of my colleague seems interested to join the airline industry, & I think he's hesitating to try out for SIA on the 26th this month?
I thought that if he was serious about it, I can help & give some valuable tips. Afterall, I almost made it, & that's the only consolation I keep telling myself.

I'll try uploading photos either tomorrow or Wed night! (:
Meanwhile, cheerios!


June 15, 2010

Prove them wrong!

One of the most tranquil places I've been to: Eze Village, Southern France.

Looking back through all my facebook photos of my exchange program, just revived the fighting spirit in me!
Afterall, I didn't had the persuading-part easy. I practically pestered my dad for 2 months before he finally gave the nod.

& now, I am ever more determined to prove people wrong. I CAN & WILL, STILL AIM FOR MY DREAM.


June 12, 2010

Funny Dad!

This is classic!

My mom asked me to call my dad, to tell him to buy chicken wings for the dogs.

Me:"Hello? Daddy ar? Mommy ask you to buy chix wing for the dogs.".
Dad:" I bought Rojak."

WHAT IS THIS??!?! haha!

June 9, 2010


A quick post before I head to bed! (:

Recently I was introduced to a job by my primary school friend, Keefe!
We actually lost contact for 7 years & I happened to chance upon him on FB. The wonders of technology! No wonder Facebook has been voted the 'Most Popular' website around!

So during the GSS period, I'll be working part-time at HUGO Boss Taka. It's not a glamourous job, but neither is it degrading or tough. (: In fact, I find myself looking forward, prolly because of the super-nice colleagues & handsome eye-candies! :D I suppose what my friend said is true: If we have eye-candies, time passes much faster.

But Keefe is SUPER ANNOYING! It's no wonder I always whack him in primary school.
He keeps teasing me about the eye-candies, & then I'll turn super red.

A random decision was also just made: package booked for Bangkok the following week.
My parents sure have a knack of going as they wish, & a good thing for them too, since their kids have all grown up (except for MONster.)

That reminds me. Cynthia's coming back from US when we're in BKK. Lol.


June 7, 2010

Tell me it isn't so.

I'm so busy nowadays that I don't have the time nor mood to blog!

But something got me upset tonight.

I was trying to find my grey coat which I bought in Nice, but my maid said I must have thrown them away.
OH MY GOD.. :((( I can't fathom why the hell would I throw it away!


June 5, 2010

When Oct comes.

I had my fringe cut to be something like SNSD's Tiffany:


I'll be working towards it step by step, all before October.

June 4, 2010

Korean war 'may break out at any moment': North Korea

GENEVA (AFP) - – A North Korean diplomat said Thursday that tensions on the Korean peninsula were running so high over the sinking of a South Korean warship that "war may break out at any moment."

In a speech to the international Conference on Disarmament, Ri Jang-Gon, deputy permanent representative for North Korea at the United Nations in Geneva, blamed the "grave situation" on South Korea and the United States.

"The present situation of the Korean peninsula is so grave that a war may break out at any moment," he said.

International investigators on May 20 announced their findings that a North Korean submarine had fired a heavy torpedo to sink the warship, in what has been described as the most serious act of aggression from the North since the Korean war 60 years ago.

Forty-six South Korean crew died when the warship sank near the disputed Yellow Sea border with the North in March in mysterious circumstances after a reported explosion.

South Korea has announced a series of reprisals including cutting off trade with its communist neighbour.

The North has denied involvement, and responded to the South's reprisals with threats of war.

Ri reiterated that North Korea had nothing to do with the sinking.

He claimed that North Koreans "were making their utmost efforts to attain the goal of a powerful and prosperous country by the year 2012" and needed a "peaceful environment" to do so.

"A peace treaty is the only successful and reasonable way for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula," he added.

The two countries have never reached a peace agreement since the 1950-53 war, relying on a tenuous Cold War era armistice.

However, he also warned that the North Korean people were "ready to promptly react to... various forms of tough measures including an all out war."

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on his way to an Asian security conference in Singapore that the United States and South Korea may hold additional military exercises in response to the alleged torpedoing of the ship.

Gates said there were no plans to deploy a US aircraft carrier as part of the exercises.

He was due to hold talks on the incident with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts.

In Geneva, the North Korean diplomat accused Seoul of trying to ignite a campaign against Pyongyang with an "anti-DPRK" policy intent on destroying exchanges and steps to reconciliation.

"The results of investigation made by South Korean regime is sheer fabrication based on assumptions guesses and supposition," said Ri.

South Korea's delegate retorted that the incident was a grave violation of the armistice agreement," adding that the evidence of an attack was "undeniable".

He said the statement in the UN's permanent arms control forum appeared to have been made "for propaganda purposes."

This is so ridiculous. What's up with fighting amongst yourselves?

But then again, even Thailand, a Buddhist country, can have such severe internal riots, what more the Koreans?

Bless them with an open heart to forgive.


June 3, 2010

I Miss Cats so.

I was the appointed chef for today because my maid was busy cooking octopus.

(From top left, clockwise:deep-fried potato-luncheon meat with tomato paste, whole-piece sambal egg, sambal kangkong & bak kut teh for soup)

I managed to cook a simple fare after not cooking for some time.
I think cooking is a set of natural skills for me, as I helped out my dad since I was ten. Tonight's food proved that I still HAVE IT.
& Gilbert can probably attest to my cooking, as he used to be my guinea pig in secondary school.


Since I'm so free, I watched the Victoria Secrets' Fashion show 2009 just now. I'm a girl/lady/woman, but I find myself oogling at Miranda, Alessandra & even the pregnant Heidi! DARN, those women are hot!

Still bored, I went to watch Youtube videos of kittens + puppies!
When I saw those kittens, I was like OMGOMG! SO CUTE!! I'm instantly reminded of how we first met the Mother Cat (MC)at my old place.
After a few months, she became pregnant & gave birth to 4 kittens which we named: Ah Pui, Ah San, Ah Black & Ah Grey. Yeah, I know these names are so......CHEENA & noob, but to us, it was easy & affectionate.
My favourite?

Of course Ah Pui la. I realised I love things/furry animals that are male,fat & cream in colour. Ah Pui's like that, & Cartoon too!
I watched how those 4 kittens first slept in MC's arms, how she fed them, when they first opened their bright shiny eyes, their first walk. Sighs, this is such a walk down memory lane...
My dad liked the kittens alot, because apparently they brought him luck. It became a habit that he would buy fresh whole fishes (I don't know how to name them)in a carton to feed them as they grew older. Those nasty/naughty kitties soon learned to paw each other, to mew & I loved them all.

Ah Pui's favourite expression?

ME (just return home from school): AH PUI!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH TODAY! COME GIVE ME A BIGGGGG HUG!

Sighs, those were the days.

When the kitties grew up to be full-fledged cats, they often ran around the neighbourhood because we stayed in a landed estate. My maid will just have to *krick krick* the thongs & all will come sprinting back for their fish.
Then the MC came back pregnant again, & this time she gave birth to 2: Tiger & Squeaky. The names match them to a tee. :)))

I watched all of them grow up, like a mother in my own way. I'd carry each of them one by one & ask them how was their day, why their face so du lan (Ah Pui only la. I think it's the main fixture & only emotion he has, lol.) etc.
At times, I'd be the one preparing their food. Preparing 7 fishes at one go aint easy, okay.

Then all of a sudden, they disappeared one by one. MC was the last to leave.
I tried searching for them in the neighbourhood, but didn't manage to find, not even Ah Pui.
We were so worried that they might have become Cat Curry (!!!!) as there was a house at the corner re-building, with many bangla workers.

Perhaps they were taken by SPCA, but we had collars for a couple of them & even called to check with SPCA. NOTHING.

Sighs...I miss having them around.


June 2, 2010

Reality check a' demain.

I'm heading to the hospital tomorrow morning to collect the CT scan results.

Depending on what it'll be like, I feel like swimming or rather, drowning myself.

LOL, nah I'm just kidding.
I just like how swimming makes us feel carefree.

I'm going to daydream now! Goodnight!


June 1, 2010

I feel....

Like shit.

I mean, besides the pain, fear, then followed by discomfort from the CT scan, my right arm vein is swollen & blue-blackish.

Basically, I freaked out today.
I also cried when the damn needle was inserted & screamed when I saw the blood.
I tried to act cool when I was pushed into the machine because i thought they'd have a camera on me, but deep inside when the heat rush started, I was on the brink of tears.

But meeting up with my girlies for Sex & the City movie was the most AWESOME thing that ever happened today.
Thank you, darlings. :)))))))
