December 15, 2010

Super LOL!

I had the weirdest dream last night. Or rather this morning.

Didn't manage to go work today as I totally lost my voice, so I took some cough relief meds and went back to bed.

In the dream, we were having an expedition and were raiding an old egyptian pyramid-like structure, but instead of huge stones and boulders, it was held together by ropes. Strong ropes like those used in mountain-climbing.

I was one of the leaders.
We were only scaling the surface and slowly making our way to the top, when I decided to cut the last remaining 2 ropes and the entire structure fell apart.

But weirdly, I KNEW it would fall, and immediately jumped and went to steal the gold-bars, gold cards and what have you. All this while the others fell to their deaths or got injured.

I had 2 other partners and we agreed to split the loot. We were running and running and suddenly we reached Kovan, near the McDonalds. We had trouble getting a cab, and then a weird cab driver (who already had 2 other passengers in his car) asked the 3 of us to join. He told the old couple to squeeze so we could fit.

I barely got in, AND HE DROVE AWAY! That sucker!
My 2 partners haven't even gotten into the cab! I was like, waitwait!! That bloody noob didn't stop and all along my partners were running behind us.
We reached a junction and I pulled his handbrake. Then I could see a lady dressed in black running towards our cab (my partner was wearing black) so I thought *phew* she made it! Just nice when the lady in black reached my door, turns out it was SHU (who works at Boss) and the cab drove away again!
But SHU said to me: "Don't need to wait for them. They already got caught."

While the cab drove away, I looked back at Shu who was panting and I suddenly felt so lonely. My partners got caught, I had millions (or billions) with me but I felt so abandoned.
I was thinking where should I hide. Barcelona, Spain? Because they would expect me to go London, somewhere I loved. But I also considered surrendering because I didn't want to be alone.

Then a phone call came. From Yonghwa of CNBlue (wtf right?! I know!)
In the dream he seems to be my old flame. And he was telling me something like please take care. Then I asked him how he knew where I was (in Kovan).

He said: "Cos I'm a football player" (apparently they know alot of strategies).


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