December 17, 2010

People going C-R-A-Z-YYYYY.

Gosh!! I'm so mad from work today!!
Had a few incidents whereby I have to serve rude customers, of which I almost told off.

Incident 1:
I was busy serving a customer, when I heard someone do the 'tsk / tsok' thingy LOUDLY, commanding for attention. I turned, and he was like 'COME HERE!'. Cb, I'm not your dog okay! Everything he says is just so rude, just a typical old pervertic uncle!

My job as a retail assistant, I will and I HAVE displayed professionalism in what I do. Otherwise, this guy would have gotten it from me.
HAHAHAH! The good thing is, he 'HELLO!' to Danny so loudly, Danny was so pissed and went to him asking "yes sir? Do you have any problem?" :DDDD

Incident 2:
A lady wanted to look at cufflinks, so I borrowed a glove to show it to her. When she decided and said okay can, I brought up the fact that for accessories like cufflinks, there will not be any discount of 40% off.
Her reply?

I couldn't believe my ears, and I said 'excuse me?'. She repeated, "SO?"
WAAHHHHH! Blood boil.
Then when I showed her a new piece for her to check for scratches, she said 'don't need to check'. After I brought it to the counter, turns out she left the store. C
I think she's crazy. -_-

Lots more smaller incidences with rude people, but when all of them add up, it really makes a person mad.

& frankly, don't you find that the world is going crazy?
Slashings, suicide bombers, sicko pouring acid on pedestrians.

Not to mention, the rising cases of molestation, EVEN IN SCHOOLS.

What's the world coming to?


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