December 27, 2010

Simple, blissful Xmas.

Christmas this year seemed much more meaningful than previous years.

Perhaps as we leave school and enter the working world, we understand a different part of the wider world.

Besides the Xmas party with my poly classmates, I've also attended another xmas party where I met my darling's close buddies.
I must admit it's really awkward cos his bros and their girlfriends/fiancees are all in their mid-20s, and I'm the youngest. They treat me as though I'm a small girl, & not to mention, the stress when I know they are all getting engaged one-by-one, and they ask darling when's our turn. :/

We had work on xmas eve and ended around 7.30pm.
The party was held in a service apartment just behind Goodwood Park Hotel.
Theme for the night was 'Opiang'. (;

Darling also passed me my christmas present: A Dolce & Gabbana watch.

It's really simple, nothing fanciful. But that's also why it suits me to a tee. (:

But I felt guilty cos I didn't get anything for him yet due to my busy work schedule, but I'll get smth for him soon & maybe a home-cooked meal! (:
I've not cooked for quite a while already.. Hope I still have what it takes!


December 22, 2010

Until it sinks in, Mommy.

I guess it hasn't really sunk in yet.

Sighs. It's kinda hard to accept, isn't it? It has all along been what I've known & wanted since i entered poly & known yx.
& now after going one round and wasting 8 months of my life, I'm clueless.

I hope God sends a signal soon.
Being clueless about what I want, is SO NOT ME.

My mom told me it's their loss, but I know she's just trying to console me.

& me, BEING the strong-headed me, laughed it off.

Until it sinks in, that is.


December 19, 2010

Our Christmas Gathering!

It has been more than half a year since such a big group of us gathered to celebrate good times! In May, we all got together for our poly graduation ceremony and took plenty of group photos. (: & of course not forgetting our 'themed' after-party! "Wear something we will not expect to see you in"!
Super fun class I have been blessed with!

& it also makes us realize how fast 2010 is zooming by. We're 11 days away from 2011, & our class boys are all botak! Heh.

Instead of meeting the whole bunch at Liang Court's Saizeriya restaurant, I met up with Pooms and Bao at Takashimaya first to get our gifts for the xmas exchange! We ARE truly the queens of lateness. From 3.30pm, to 4pm, and I only reached at 5.15pm. :x Okay, have to admit this is seriously a very bad habit of mine.

I got a really nice organizer, and luckily they had gift wrapper+ scissors+ scotch tape! The queue at the departmental store was mortifying! Lots of people doing shopping for Christmas but yet the atmosphere was so tense. Tsktsk.

After we all got our gifts wrapped, we headed down to Clarke Quay for dinner with the rest! Saizeriya's an Italian restaurant that serves really affordable food and the standard isn't bad too!

We shared spinach creme (which was nastyyyy. So different from what I tasted from our France's school's canteen.), escargots, salads, soup and I had mixed seafood risotto! Yumms.

After we had our fill, we had our gift exchange near the fountain.
We were all to get a gift of at least $10 that is unisex.

I guess it's such an unbelievable coincidence that my gift was given to me by Yaowei, and I gave my gift to Eugene (I got it from a guy and gave it to a guy, what are the chances?). It's prolly karma, hopefully working in a good way now. (:

Clique shots are a definite YES! But we're missing beloved Nrl, who's away in Kuching for quite long (??!). P.S: Come back naoooo. There's a case of a man eaten alive by a freakin' 20m-long crocodile there in kuching!!

'Words can't be formed just to express how blessed I feel having you guys in my life.'



December 17, 2010

People going C-R-A-Z-YYYYY.

Gosh!! I'm so mad from work today!!
Had a few incidents whereby I have to serve rude customers, of which I almost told off.

Incident 1:
I was busy serving a customer, when I heard someone do the 'tsk / tsok' thingy LOUDLY, commanding for attention. I turned, and he was like 'COME HERE!'. Cb, I'm not your dog okay! Everything he says is just so rude, just a typical old pervertic uncle!

My job as a retail assistant, I will and I HAVE displayed professionalism in what I do. Otherwise, this guy would have gotten it from me.
HAHAHAH! The good thing is, he 'HELLO!' to Danny so loudly, Danny was so pissed and went to him asking "yes sir? Do you have any problem?" :DDDD

Incident 2:
A lady wanted to look at cufflinks, so I borrowed a glove to show it to her. When she decided and said okay can, I brought up the fact that for accessories like cufflinks, there will not be any discount of 40% off.
Her reply?

I couldn't believe my ears, and I said 'excuse me?'. She repeated, "SO?"
WAAHHHHH! Blood boil.
Then when I showed her a new piece for her to check for scratches, she said 'don't need to check'. After I brought it to the counter, turns out she left the store. C
I think she's crazy. -_-

Lots more smaller incidences with rude people, but when all of them add up, it really makes a person mad.

& frankly, don't you find that the world is going crazy?
Slashings, suicide bombers, sicko pouring acid on pedestrians.

Not to mention, the rising cases of molestation, EVEN IN SCHOOLS.

What's the world coming to?



'Dead man in mortuary impregnates woman'

The Rolling Stones said it best, “You, you make a dead man cum.” A 38 year old female mortuary worker is being held on $250,000 bond after becoming pregnant by one of her clients-a dead man. The alleged crime took place at the Mourning Glory Mortuary just outside of Lexington, Missouri. Police have charged Felicity Marmaduke with desecration of the dead and necrophilia.

According to a statement made to police by Marmaduke, the alleged victim experienced a post mortem erection while being bathed. Being alone, Marmaduke straddled the dead man and proceeded have sex with him. Much to her surprise, the alleged victim came to orgasm after several minutes. A few weeks later, Marmaduke had a positive pregnancy test while receiving a routine medical exam. Upon telling her doctor the circumstances leading to the conception, the police were notified. Marmaduke was arrested without incident at her dilapidated trailer home a few blocks from the mortuary.

In a bizarre twist, Marmaduke plans to sue the dead man’s estate for child support.



December 15, 2010

Super LOL!

I had the weirdest dream last night. Or rather this morning.

Didn't manage to go work today as I totally lost my voice, so I took some cough relief meds and went back to bed.

In the dream, we were having an expedition and were raiding an old egyptian pyramid-like structure, but instead of huge stones and boulders, it was held together by ropes. Strong ropes like those used in mountain-climbing.

I was one of the leaders.
We were only scaling the surface and slowly making our way to the top, when I decided to cut the last remaining 2 ropes and the entire structure fell apart.

But weirdly, I KNEW it would fall, and immediately jumped and went to steal the gold-bars, gold cards and what have you. All this while the others fell to their deaths or got injured.

I had 2 other partners and we agreed to split the loot. We were running and running and suddenly we reached Kovan, near the McDonalds. We had trouble getting a cab, and then a weird cab driver (who already had 2 other passengers in his car) asked the 3 of us to join. He told the old couple to squeeze so we could fit.

I barely got in, AND HE DROVE AWAY! That sucker!
My 2 partners haven't even gotten into the cab! I was like, waitwait!! That bloody noob didn't stop and all along my partners were running behind us.
We reached a junction and I pulled his handbrake. Then I could see a lady dressed in black running towards our cab (my partner was wearing black) so I thought *phew* she made it! Just nice when the lady in black reached my door, turns out it was SHU (who works at Boss) and the cab drove away again!
But SHU said to me: "Don't need to wait for them. They already got caught."

While the cab drove away, I looked back at Shu who was panting and I suddenly felt so lonely. My partners got caught, I had millions (or billions) with me but I felt so abandoned.
I was thinking where should I hide. Barcelona, Spain? Because they would expect me to go London, somewhere I loved. But I also considered surrendering because I didn't want to be alone.

Then a phone call came. From Yonghwa of CNBlue (wtf right?! I know!)
In the dream he seems to be my old flame. And he was telling me something like please take care. Then I asked him how he knew where I was (in Kovan).

He said: "Cos I'm a football player" (apparently they know alot of strategies).


December 14, 2010


Oh dear. This blogging hiatus has me on edge.

At times i don't feel like blogging, but yet each blog has too much sentimental value for me to close it down.

Anyway, I was just researching for the Bangkok air tickets and boy, have they increased! If I were to buy it now, i have to pay almost twice of what Erina and Keefe paid! Definitely not in my cards. :x
As much as I would LOVE to go bangkok for a shopping-relaxing trip with those besties, but a greater part of me would want to start work on Jan 3rd.

They proposed a 6-month certification of being fit to fly, then head for a medical review. Well, I guess at that point, I just agreed. So now I'm just waiting to see if their side agrees. If no, fine by me.
If yes, i have to get ready an amount to pay for the medical jabs. :( nastyyy.

I don't think I will fly beyond 6-months for that airline anyway.

Most likely I will study SIM-RMIT next Aug.


Our 'FRANsters'.

My mind has been wandering to our days in France, those little details.
Stopping at Eze village and having ice-cream in freezing weather before heading to Monaco.
