January 2, 2011

Taurus 2011

2011 Taurus Horoscope for Marriage/ Love

You should look at the relationship with a long term view and not rush into things. If you don�t deliberate enough, chances of a mistake are high. Take your time committing but do not waste time initiating things or the moment would be lost. Unmarried natives could find sudden chances of marriage too.

2011 Taurus Horoscope for Career

New projects and changes in plans after the 25th January, 2011 should be avoided. You would get a rash of ideas and a sudden jump in activity. Not necessarily all ideas and activity would be useful. It is necessary, not to change track & keep on working on your long-term plan.

During May & 15th November you will suddenly be catapulted into a very busy period. You will feel your life is suddenly in the rush hour phase, without the mental strength however to cope with extra stress.Patience need to be exercised on two counts.

Between 16th November 2011 and 31st December 2011, you will find maturity in career, which you have been working on for a few years. It is the time to cash in now. Work your hardest, but without compromising on your health. Use your luck, colleagues and team to achieve the best you can do.

Taurus January Horoscope:

Poor stamina & certain amount of challenges overall would remain. Work could experience a slowdown till the 16th January 2011. Important assignments are better postponed after 17th January 2011 or the next month. Improvements in luck and overall growth could come. Chances of travel possible too.


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