April 17, 2010

10 Things You Never Knew about Me.

A new blog, a new chapter from my 19 year-old self moving to 20.

Interesting for me get back to .blogspot after so many years.
I used to have a blog in secondary school called sunshineinerain.bs.

You know girls that age. They find names that act chio or act classy, haha!
I'm not discrminating anything, because I was also one of those 'girls'.

Then, following the leaving of secondary school into Poly, I grew up a little and switched to using .livejournal.
Livejournal was user-friendly, & I quite liked it.
Toonpoppers.livejournal has been my blog for the most happening adventure in my life so far: mainly about my travelling and studying in Europe.
Life as a student can be really dificult and challenging, therefore I penned down lots of emotions, fun things we did, and of course, the blog still exists as a keep-sake for older-memory-loss me.

Then it was to .wordpress! Haha, indicating another stage of my life.
Internship was the high point at that time, & wendythewitch.wp has all my pent-up frustrations over work & events.

One thing in common with all these blogs?

My boyfriend (or ex rather), Gilbert, has been through all these with me. We were together since Sec 3, so that was when I was 15 years old? *shocks*
Only till last year December, our breakup became final.

So now, when I start this jetsetter.bs, I'm walking a solo journey.
With friends and family, but not with any significant half.

I don't regret my decision.
To me, I can sense how far we've drifted apart, how much we no longer fit into the ideal couple category, how ill-fitted we soon became because of our lifestyles.

Therefore, it would do us good to let go and move on instead of holding each other back. I will still care for him the way a best friend would, an ex would. Afterall, we had many beautiful memories over the span of 4 years plus.

The list I'm going to share about myself, I bet he knows quite a number of them.

10 Things You Never Knew about Me:

1) I'm not a narcissistic person. Unlike many girls in my generation, I prefer taking photos with people rather than self-portraits. You won't believe how long I sourced for that 'About Me' photo.

2) I love eating petai (stinky bean) and smelly toufu. Like durian, many people have a love-hate relationship with these foods, & I happen to love them.

3) I can swim, but I can't thread water. My record was swimming one lap of Hougang Swimming Complex with one breath; the moment I try to breathe, I sink.

4) I'm terrifed of sharks more than ghosts. Credits to those movies like 'Jaws, Deep blue sea, 12 days of terror', I have a fear even trying to swim in Sentosa.
The stupidest one was when I was swimming in a HOTEL SWIMMING POOL in Grand Blue Wave, Johor Bahru!

5) I'm a well-known slow eater. I can take 1 hour to eat a plate of spaghetti.

6) I don't have a thing for caucasians. When I studied in France, there were so many hot French guys, but none caught my eye.

7) I'm more artistically-inclined than scientifically (in terms of maths). I can play many instruments like flute, saxophone, french horn, piano yet my maths pretty much sucked.

8) I love pets & animals. I've raised fishes, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, turtles, 10 cats at one go and now, 2 dogs. I think I only adore furry things.

9) One of my wish is to lie in lush tulip & roses farms in Holland, with my other half. Finding the ideal half is tougher than me flying there directly.

10) Flying is just part of my dream ambition. I would also love to be: interior designer, hairstylist, dog groomer and a professional food-taster/critic.

There you have it!!
Now you know me just a slight bit more! (:

1 comment:

6B said...

It seems you have the very same phobia as I do - sharks =D