April 29, 2010

Who's there?

Met up with Bao, Puma & Nurul on Tuesday.
Darling wanted to colour her hair, & since I'm so free, we went together. Supposed to be a clique outing so I can update them all at one go, but Lala & Nette were not able to join us.

After food at Far East, we drop by Heeren's coffeehouse for some serious chat session. Of course, I updated them exactly what was happening to me. & we've also made plans for a sleepover & what to wear for the graduation party! (:

Nurul manage to grab a photo with Ashley Isham too!! (: Frankly, he's not Hot or anything, but I've seen the dresses he designed & I'm fascinated.

I just want to say, I'm really thankful for you guys being by my side. Other than my family & Gilbert, you guys were the first to really ask me out, genuinely concerned about me. I thank God because even though something as terrible as this happened, but I get to know who really care about our friendship. (:

I love you guys, & you all must know that too alright!

Food for the past week: Suki sushi buffet with my sis.

We went to AMK Polyclinic to get a referral to a specialist. Then we had our manicure done, followed by sushi buffet & impromptu kbox.
During times like this, though sometimes she's a bitch, but she's there for me too.

April 28, 2010

Peach Maxi!

I just bought this maxi dress online.

Isn't it gorgeous? (:
I can't wait to wear it to the beach, with Bao & our dogs. Puma, if you're interested, come along! I'l be driving!

Jang Geun Suk

My recent obsession: Korean dramas.

Hong Gil Dong: The Hero

This show is really fantastically-funny, yet loving in a way.
It's currently showing on Channel U at 11.30- 12.30pm. When I first saw this show at night, I was like, WTF? Why does channel U have such a lame ancient korean drama?

I watched it whenever I feel like it. Until last week, the episodes got so exciting that in my subconscious state of self-recovery, I purchased the entire Drama.


& also because of this show, I got introduced to this gorgeous hunk.

He acts as the Prince, which made his character much hotter.
& in the story, he fell in love with this simple yet innocent girl, but yet she loves someone else.

He's 23 this year. Hot boyf-material huh.

Anyway,speaking of boyfriends, I've always wondered whether am I going to end up marrying a Singaporean.
Me (being me), I've came up with certain nationalities which I wouldn't mind:

Taiwanese, Hongkongers, Korean.
I can't stand Chinese, I'm sorry. They are too rowdy & i'll get very annoyed when they speak loudly near me.

I'm getting emotionaly stronger nowadays. My tears can't seem to drop now...

April 26, 2010


I feel so useless recently.

I'm clearly able-bodied, but yet because of a medical report, I am not able to continue flying.

The physician told me, with my problem, I should not work as a air stewardess because it will be too taxing for my body, so she asked me to give that up.

How do I put it to her that I would rather die?

I'm so scared, & so disappointed in myself.
I blamed God, for making my journey so smooth from the beginning, only to crush me when we're at the end.
I've been banned by SQ for 6 months, because I didn't make the management round.
Just when I told myself to focus & work hard for JQ, my blood test result showed problems, which the doctor will not be able to pass me.

In one day, both my dreams were dashed.

If I could find some way to kill myself (eating sleeping pills, drowning etc), I'm sure I would already have been dead now.
If I died, I probably STILL won't be a happy ghost 6 feet under.

Initially thinking that I'm going to have a happy 20th birthday celebration next Wednesday, anticipating Jetstar's training on the 17th and hesitating if I should attend NYP's graduation ceremony on 21st.

Now, the birthday celebration will still go on, but I won't be happy.
Jetstar's training, I won't be going.
Graduation, I feel like I wouldn't want to go, because I don't want to face people. People who will ask me what am I doing now, why haven't you start training.

Wanting to cry each night, but my tears have already all dried up.

If anyone have the power to heal my wound, or the power to console me so my pain can be lessen, please...save me.

I'm trying to look like everything is fine, but I'm bleeding inside.

April 23, 2010

22 April will be clearly etched in my mind for many years to come.

April 21, 2010


My current FML mood.

April 20, 2010

If only the day gets better..

I had another blood test today.

The doctor passed me for the U test, even though there were still traces of protein. He recommended that for my sake, I should take a blood test to see what's wrong.
'You look perfectly healthy to me, so I don't see why I should fail you'. The blood test is just a reassurance in case the 2nd-reviewing doctor in Australia questions.

I must admit that I'm really terrified.
My health has never posted a problem for me in the past, & furthermore I'm still young. I certainly don't wish for a small problem like protein in the urine to hinder my career.

With that being said, the blood test results will be out tomorrow.
There's another reason why I'm more uncomfortable than normal. In my mind, I was thinking: "if you can fail Jetstar's medical, what makes you think SQ will be fine?". That's why my mood today is really like, FML.

Then I went down to HTT to pay the training bond. Amount is really alot for a post-graduate student like myself, & it's taking a toll on my personal life.
I must really budget my lifestyle, that means eating at home more, less spendings etc. This is certainly a far cry from the initial Wendy who was heading to Los Angeles for holiday.

Also, I received the JETSTAR Ground school pre-course training booklet, which I'm supposed to read up on before ground school starts. There'll be a quiz on the first day, they say. That will be on 17 May, IF I GET JQ.

My contract is under Jetstar International, & I was rather surprised by the routes.
I have Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Phuket, Bali etc, but there's no Hongkong & Taipei. Gosh, my 2 most favored destinations.

April 19, 2010

No more peanuts!!

Our 9-course dinner at a Thong Chai-Tiong Bahru Buddhist dinner.
Being the sudden vegetarian due to an instructed low-protein diet, I really abstained as much as I could from those delectable yummies!
Even my favourite peanuts (which I used to down 1 full packet at a go), I only ate ONE PEANUT & 1/8 of a crumb. That's how strong my willpower can get.

I just hope for Tuesday's medical check-up to be over soon, & that I can pass this time round. I've always been a healthy baby, & I'm sure I can be a healthy cabin crew.
After Tuesday's medical, then I can see where exactly which route to take.

& I'm dying to share on what I fear most about being a cabin crew.

A flash of lighting....then BOOM.

Yesterday was nuts.

The thunderstorm came without warning, & you can't believe how both my dogs cramped together in the living room with us.
Normally, Milky's territory is outside with the lawn & Cartoon stays indoors. Last night was a rare sight that the both of them sat quietly, shivering and fearful of thunders and lightings.

Then with one bloody swipe of a lighting, *pssts* my laptop adapter died.
AND SERIOUSLY, Acer isn't the BEST kind of laptop in terms of battery life. Without a workable charger, I'm as good as dead from the cyber world.

No choice but to mope around the house, & in the evening went out to ShengSiong to get groceries.

The above trolley I was pushing is just one of the two! It's scary when ladies buy things.....*brrrr*.

& this afternoon, I headed out with my mom again. This time, it was to see how we can restore my stupid 3 y.o. laptop. I drove to Serangoon North's computer shop & the boss told us the thunder has destroyed the interior of the adapter.
Crazy right?

He said the chances of it happening in Singapore is really, REALLY rare! In countries like Indonesia, perhaps yes. He said I must be really 'lucky' to kena.
Then guess what? HE CHARGED ME THE '有緣lucky rate' of $45 for part of the damaged charger. Sheesh, this kind of 'lucky', I can do without, thank you very much.

April 17, 2010

10 Things You Never Knew about Me.

A new blog, a new chapter from my 19 year-old self moving to 20.

Interesting for me get back to .blogspot after so many years.
I used to have a blog in secondary school called sunshineinerain.bs.

You know girls that age. They find names that act chio or act classy, haha!
I'm not discrminating anything, because I was also one of those 'girls'.

Then, following the leaving of secondary school into Poly, I grew up a little and switched to using .livejournal.
Livejournal was user-friendly, & I quite liked it.
Toonpoppers.livejournal has been my blog for the most happening adventure in my life so far: mainly about my travelling and studying in Europe.
Life as a student can be really dificult and challenging, therefore I penned down lots of emotions, fun things we did, and of course, the blog still exists as a keep-sake for older-memory-loss me.

Then it was to .wordpress! Haha, indicating another stage of my life.
Internship was the high point at that time, & wendythewitch.wp has all my pent-up frustrations over work & events.

One thing in common with all these blogs?

My boyfriend (or ex rather), Gilbert, has been through all these with me. We were together since Sec 3, so that was when I was 15 years old? *shocks*
Only till last year December, our breakup became final.

So now, when I start this jetsetter.bs, I'm walking a solo journey.
With friends and family, but not with any significant half.

I don't regret my decision.
To me, I can sense how far we've drifted apart, how much we no longer fit into the ideal couple category, how ill-fitted we soon became because of our lifestyles.

Therefore, it would do us good to let go and move on instead of holding each other back. I will still care for him the way a best friend would, an ex would. Afterall, we had many beautiful memories over the span of 4 years plus.

The list I'm going to share about myself, I bet he knows quite a number of them.

10 Things You Never Knew about Me:

1) I'm not a narcissistic person. Unlike many girls in my generation, I prefer taking photos with people rather than self-portraits. You won't believe how long I sourced for that 'About Me' photo.

2) I love eating petai (stinky bean) and smelly toufu. Like durian, many people have a love-hate relationship with these foods, & I happen to love them.

3) I can swim, but I can't thread water. My record was swimming one lap of Hougang Swimming Complex with one breath; the moment I try to breathe, I sink.

4) I'm terrifed of sharks more than ghosts. Credits to those movies like 'Jaws, Deep blue sea, 12 days of terror', I have a fear even trying to swim in Sentosa.
The stupidest one was when I was swimming in a HOTEL SWIMMING POOL in Grand Blue Wave, Johor Bahru!

5) I'm a well-known slow eater. I can take 1 hour to eat a plate of spaghetti.

6) I don't have a thing for caucasians. When I studied in France, there were so many hot French guys, but none caught my eye.

7) I'm more artistically-inclined than scientifically (in terms of maths). I can play many instruments like flute, saxophone, french horn, piano yet my maths pretty much sucked.

8) I love pets & animals. I've raised fishes, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, turtles, 10 cats at one go and now, 2 dogs. I think I only adore furry things.

9) One of my wish is to lie in lush tulip & roses farms in Holland, with my other half. Finding the ideal half is tougher than me flying there directly.

10) Flying is just part of my dream ambition. I would also love to be: interior designer, hairstylist, dog groomer and a professional food-taster/critic.

There you have it!!
Now you know me just a slight bit more! (: