March 24, 2011

How to celebrate our 21st.

So my 21st will be in about 1 & a half months' time, and I'm been mulling over whether to celebrate or not.

It's kind of a hassle: we need to book the venue, prepare food and make sure all your guests feel entertained. Quite tough, actually.
I've been to those big parties where so many people are invited, but the host does not have time to talk to most of them.

So today, whilst at work, i took the chance to do some research & planning!

I'm quite happy to say, I intend to book a room at Studio M!
The room's decor is gorgeous, small-but-cosy. And of course, I also decided to only invite close friends, maybe only 10+.

How not to love this place??

Besides the actual celebration in Singapore, we're also planning a short getaway! Problem though, is that the dates we can choose are the 'super-peak' periods and everything is crazily-expensive!! :(
Hopefully some good comes out of this, cos I need a breather from life in Singapore!

Work's good! :p Got my pay slip & pay's coming in! LOL!


March 22, 2011


Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed.

Worrying too much over Uni, my birthday celebration etc. This shouldn't be the way.


March 14, 2011


21 small items for her birthday gift.

Apparently, I should start preparing my wishlist. (:


March 13, 2011

It's a big world out there.

Here I am, typing away when I should be resting early.

Good news though!! I'm starting work tomorrow!! :D
Managed to find a full-time job for the upcoming months, or until I finally study!

I must admit I'm really excited about starting work since I've been nua-ing at home! My workplace will be at Raffles Place, and it's for an investment firm. Raring to start and see what it'll be like!

As for studies-wise, Erina and I went to SIM yesterday to attend the Open house! I'm intending to study this year, Bachelors in Biz Marketing at RMIT. Well, yet to apply, but I'm also raring to go! HAHAHAHA!
I have no idea why I'm so enthusiastic about so many things suddenly, but it makes me feel useful and i'm glad to start planning for my future.

& I would still want to fly, after studying. (:


Anyway, we all know what misfortune has befalled Japan. The 8.9 magnitude massive earthquake and a huge 10m tsunami resulting from it.
The images of houses being flattened, vehicles washed away as if it weighed nothing...
I was never to much a fan of Japan, from reading much about WW2 in our primary and secondary school textbooks. Never thought of heading there, whether for holiday or honeymoon. I've heard saying from strangers who said they deserve it for the atrocities they committed. Old ladies who perhaps have been through WW2 as a kid.

But as you hear them curse and laugh at Japan, you'd think: do they still have any humanity left in them? Is resentment what you want to carry to your graves?

Live & learn. Forgive & forget.



March 6, 2011

Phobia list.

Hey guys! I'm back to blogging after almost a 3-week hiatus!
Lots to update, but first, I'm kinda interested to share about phobias. What's yours?

Here's my list:
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. - totally can't stand the dark. It feels like I'm not in control of my surroundings, which is why I will always sleep with at least a small light on.

Altophobia- Fear of heights. - Need I say more? I'm terrified of cable cars and ferris wheels, but I always pretend like its no big deal.....until I'm up there. When I'm silent and don't move an inch, that's when you know I'm scared.

Antlophobia- Fear of floods. - Have tried imagining tsunamis, and boy, I hope it'll never happen cause I can't swim well nor trap water.

Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. - No creepy crawlies, EVER. Not a fan of being Spider-woman.

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.- If I don't think about the enclosed space, I'm fine. But if it gets a lil too tiny, like a small closet, I'd freak.

Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.- Never loved them since watching Chucky.

Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting.- Even if I drink alot and need to puke, I'd try to hold it in cause I feel that vomiting is super uncomfy and gross. (Sadly, I've done that more than a couple of times with Erina and gang.)

Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches. - Hate those, especially flying ones. Duh.

Pharmacophobia- Fear of taking medicine.- If I must, MUST eat eg. a pill of panadol, I have to cut it into at least 4 pieces cause I can't swallow.

Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts.- No words to describe. Gore movies: sure. Horror: NO WAY.

Selachophobia- Fear of sharks.- Since I was a kid and was mesmerized by JAWS and Deep Blue Sea. With an over-vivid imagination, I sometimes get scared even swimming in a pool.....up 7 storeys in the hotel. :x

Trypanophobia- Fear of injections. - I can't look.

So there!! I'm shared a long list of my phobias! & I actually came across a few super funny ones!

Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money.- I don't have that fear! You can gimme all your money! (;

Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor.- Sit in our MRT confirm GG.

