February 14, 2011

Happy V Day!

HEY HEY HEY! Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!

Today's a happy day for couples & singles alike!
Come on, Valentine's Day isn't only about relationships. It's about spreading the love you have for friends, family and loved ones.

I like Valentines' Day cos I never fail to receive flowers (only if I'm attached). & I'm those traditional girls-at-heart,so I love receiving flowers, whether they will die 3 days later or not.

Anyhoo, he's bringing me out for dinner later and trying to keep it secretive. -.-

Have a great V day peeps! Spread the love!

February 8, 2011

February 6, 2011

Keep it simple.

YAY! Chinese New Year visiting has officially come to an end for me! I'd tell you, I've had it with flagging cabs and annoying cab drivers who won't stop blabbing nonsense. Next year, I'm gonna drive us around instead!

Anyhoo, I didn't manage to visit any of my relatives' homes as they were informed my younger sister had contracted HFM, hence no angpaos from them. Surprisingly though, i got quite a number of angpaos from friends' parents and of course, Ah b's side. Apparently, they already gave him 'a stamp of approval' as quoted by him. HAHAHHA!

Us at Jason's place all the way in Jurong.
Jason's the store manager of HBTaka.

Finally met my full clique for a short dinner & chitchat session! Turns out, we're still best at talking nonsense with each other. (:

Making plans to have a G-sleepover, G-for-GORE. We're gonna spam all 7 movies of SAW, hehe. & next week's kinda packed with our NYP-SBM-alumni USS buffet, FRANsters meeting and celebrating 2 guy-classmates' 21st. Mad hectic.

& I'm still waiting for the job to get back to me!


Have you guys caught the movie "Black Swan"? Omg, I swear its superrrrr good.
It kept me on edge, and I couldn't help but re-watch the show 3 times.
Natalie Portman's one of my favourite actresses of Hollywood! The Harvard-educated darling isn't just beautiful, but she has brains to boot!

I can't deny though, that i was rather turned off at the lesbian part of the movie. The sexual tension I can't take. & girls kissing reminds me of the times we had spent in France, when we were told the television broadcasts porn at 1 or 2am.
The 7 of us were super curious (we girls never saw before but no sure about the 2 guys) that we stayed up just to see.
And I remember each time when I was the one who had to turn the TV on, it was lesbian porn. Geez. ALWAYS Les, no idea why. I'm a normal girl okay!! *roll eyes*

And I loved Natalie's performance in 'The Other Boleyn Girl', acting as Anne Boleyn who's out to steal the King's affections. Scheming, but convincingly so.

So, I'm definitely gonna catch this!

& these too!


February 1, 2011

CNY's coming!

CNY's just around the corner!

Unfortunately this year's feel isn't strong and the mood is hardly present.
We're only gonna have a family reunion dinner tomorrow, and visiting 2 sides' family on 初一 . After that, my parents are going Batam for a night to play with firecrackers. -_- Oh well, you know old folks. :x

HAHAHAHA! But then again, my parents are considered young. My dad's 48 and my mom's 44 this year. :D And I'm 21! Which makes......my mom was 23 when she had me! I have an elder sister too okay!

February's gonna be a month of heavy expenses. I haven't thought of what to do for Valentines' day, Universal studios buffet with lovely poly mates and more 21st birthday celebrations..
What a time to be jobless. $$$$$$ LOL.

Not for long though!
