March 13, 2011

It's a big world out there.

Here I am, typing away when I should be resting early.

Good news though!! I'm starting work tomorrow!! :D
Managed to find a full-time job for the upcoming months, or until I finally study!

I must admit I'm really excited about starting work since I've been nua-ing at home! My workplace will be at Raffles Place, and it's for an investment firm. Raring to start and see what it'll be like!

As for studies-wise, Erina and I went to SIM yesterday to attend the Open house! I'm intending to study this year, Bachelors in Biz Marketing at RMIT. Well, yet to apply, but I'm also raring to go! HAHAHAHA!
I have no idea why I'm so enthusiastic about so many things suddenly, but it makes me feel useful and i'm glad to start planning for my future.

& I would still want to fly, after studying. (:


Anyway, we all know what misfortune has befalled Japan. The 8.9 magnitude massive earthquake and a huge 10m tsunami resulting from it.
The images of houses being flattened, vehicles washed away as if it weighed nothing...
I was never to much a fan of Japan, from reading much about WW2 in our primary and secondary school textbooks. Never thought of heading there, whether for holiday or honeymoon. I've heard saying from strangers who said they deserve it for the atrocities they committed. Old ladies who perhaps have been through WW2 as a kid.

But as you hear them curse and laugh at Japan, you'd think: do they still have any humanity left in them? Is resentment what you want to carry to your graves?

Live & learn. Forgive & forget.



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