December 14, 2010


Oh dear. This blogging hiatus has me on edge.

At times i don't feel like blogging, but yet each blog has too much sentimental value for me to close it down.

Anyway, I was just researching for the Bangkok air tickets and boy, have they increased! If I were to buy it now, i have to pay almost twice of what Erina and Keefe paid! Definitely not in my cards. :x
As much as I would LOVE to go bangkok for a shopping-relaxing trip with those besties, but a greater part of me would want to start work on Jan 3rd.

They proposed a 6-month certification of being fit to fly, then head for a medical review. Well, I guess at that point, I just agreed. So now I'm just waiting to see if their side agrees. If no, fine by me.
If yes, i have to get ready an amount to pay for the medical jabs. :( nastyyy.

I don't think I will fly beyond 6-months for that airline anyway.

Most likely I will study SIM-RMIT next Aug.


Our 'FRANsters'.

My mind has been wandering to our days in France, those little details.
Stopping at Eze village and having ice-cream in freezing weather before heading to Monaco.


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