April 19, 2010

A flash of lighting....then BOOM.

Yesterday was nuts.

The thunderstorm came without warning, & you can't believe how both my dogs cramped together in the living room with us.
Normally, Milky's territory is outside with the lawn & Cartoon stays indoors. Last night was a rare sight that the both of them sat quietly, shivering and fearful of thunders and lightings.

Then with one bloody swipe of a lighting, *pssts* my laptop adapter died.
AND SERIOUSLY, Acer isn't the BEST kind of laptop in terms of battery life. Without a workable charger, I'm as good as dead from the cyber world.

No choice but to mope around the house, & in the evening went out to ShengSiong to get groceries.

The above trolley I was pushing is just one of the two! It's scary when ladies buy things.....*brrrr*.

& this afternoon, I headed out with my mom again. This time, it was to see how we can restore my stupid 3 y.o. laptop. I drove to Serangoon North's computer shop & the boss told us the thunder has destroyed the interior of the adapter.
Crazy right?

He said the chances of it happening in Singapore is really, REALLY rare! In countries like Indonesia, perhaps yes. He said I must be really 'lucky' to kena.
Then guess what? HE CHARGED ME THE '有緣lucky rate' of $45 for part of the damaged charger. Sheesh, this kind of 'lucky', I can do without, thank you very much.

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