A new blog, a new chapter from my 19 year-old self moving to 20.
Interesting for me get back to .blogspot after so many years.
I used to have a blog in secondary school called
sunshineinerain.bs.You know girls that age. They find names that act chio or act classy, haha!
I'm not discrminating anything, because I was also one of those 'girls'.
Then, following the leaving of secondary school into Poly, I grew up a little and switched to using .livejournal.
Livejournal was user-friendly, & I quite liked it.
Toonpoppers.livejournal has been my blog for the most happening adventure in my life so far: mainly about my travelling and studying in Europe.
Life as a student can be really dificult and challenging, therefore I penned down lots of emotions, fun things we did, and of course, the blog still exists as a keep-sake for older-memory-loss me.
Then it was to .wordpress! Haha, indicating another stage of my life.
Internship was the high point at that time, & wendythewitch.wp has all my pent-up frustrations over work & events.
One thing in common with all these blogs?My boyfriend (or ex rather), Gilbert, has been through all these with me. We were together since Sec 3, so that was when I was 15 years old? *shocks*
Only till last year December, our breakup became final.
So now, when I start this jetsetter.bs, I'm walking a solo journey.
With friends and family, but not with any significant half.
I don't regret my decision.To me, I can sense how far we've drifted apart, how much we no longer fit into the ideal couple category, how ill-fitted we soon became because of our lifestyles.
Therefore, it would do us good to let go and move on instead of holding each other back. I will still care for him the way a best friend would, an ex would. Afterall, we had many beautiful memories over the span of 4 years plus.
The list I'm going to share about myself, I bet he knows quite a number of them.
10 Things You Never Knew about Me:1) I'm not a narcissistic person. Unlike many girls in my generation, I prefer taking photos with people rather than self-portraits. You won't believe how long I sourced for that 'About Me' photo.
2) I love eating petai (stinky bean) and smelly toufu. Like durian, many people have a love-hate relationship with these foods, & I happen to love them.
3) I can swim, but I can't thread water. My record was swimming one lap of Hougang Swimming Complex with one breath; the moment I try to breathe, I sink.
4) I'm terrifed of sharks more than ghosts. Credits to those movies like 'Jaws, Deep blue sea, 12 days of terror', I have a fear even trying to swim in Sentosa.
The stupidest one was when I was swimming in a HOTEL SWIMMING POOL in Grand Blue Wave, Johor Bahru!

5) I'm a well-known slow eater. I can take 1 hour to eat a plate of spaghetti.
6) I don't have a thing for caucasians. When I studied in France, there were so many hot French guys, but none caught my eye.
7) I'm more artistically-inclined than scientifically (in terms of maths). I can play many instruments like flute, saxophone, french horn, piano yet my maths pretty much sucked.
8) I love pets & animals. I've raised fishes, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, turtles, 10 cats at one go and now, 2 dogs. I think I only adore furry things.
9) One of my wish is to lie in lush tulip & roses farms in Holland, with my other half. Finding the ideal half is tougher than me flying there directly.
10) Flying is just part of my dream ambition. I would also love to be: interior designer, hairstylist, dog groomer and a professional food-taster/critic.
There you have it!!
Now you know me just a slight bit more! (: